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Comentario al texto hebreo del Antiguo Testamento - Daniel Softcover Commen (Paperback)

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Daniel, comentario al texto hebreo del Antiguo Testamento por Carl Friedrich Keil y F. J. Delitzsch, En este comentario Biblico se profundiza en uno de los libros m's investigados, discutidos, estudiados de la Biblia, Daniel. Con sus terrores apocal pticos, pero tambi n con su inmensa esperanza, es uno de los textos m's influyentes y fascinantes de la historia de occidente. Donde de un modo general se han distinguido en la tradici n del libro cuatro elementos o rasgos: sapiencial, apocal ptico, hist rico y can nico-teol gico. Este es un libro apasionante, complejo y emocionante, ideal no's lo para los que est n interesados en un plano religioso, sino a los que buscan el sentido de la historia. Incluye:

  • Fidelidad al texto en su ra z m's honda, en su "verdad Hebrea".
  • Citas y comentarios de textos Hebreos y Arameos.
  • Temas b sicos de sabidur a y apocal ptica.
  • Comentarios y estudios sobre el libro de Daniel, desde varias perspectivas exeg ticas, teol gicas y eclesiales.
  • Comentario en espa ol (Xabier Pizaka).
  • Amplias referencias bibliogr ficas del tema.
  • Recomendaciones de lectura para ampliar conocimiento del tema.

Commentary on Daniel

Commentary on Daniel by Carl Friedrich Keil and F. J. Delitzsch, This Biblical Commentary delves into one of the most researched, discussed, and studied books of the Bible, Daniel. With its apocalyptic terrors, but also with its immense hope, it is one of the most influential and fascinating texts in the West history. Where broadly four elements or traits have been distinguished in the tradition of the book: wisdom, apocalyptic, historical, and canonical-theological. This is a passionate, complex, and exciting book, ideal not only for those who are interested in a religious level, but those who are looking for a sense of history. It includes:

  • Fidelity to the text in its deepest roots, in its "Hebrew truth".
  • Quotes and comments from Hebrew and Aramaic texts.
  • Basic wisdom and apocalyptic themes.
  • Comments and studies on the book of Daniel, from various exegetical, theological, and ecclesial perspectives.
  • Commentary in Spanish (Xabier Pizaka).
  • Extensive bibliographic references on the subject.
  • Reading recommendations to expand knowledge of the subject.

Product Details
ISBN: 9788417131609
ISBN-10: 8417131604
Publisher: Vida Publishers
Publication Date: December 24th, 2019
Pages: 544
Language: Spanish